



Amazon’s recruiting process usually begins with one or two phone screens in which you interview with a specific team The engineer who interviews you will usually ask you to write simple code and read it aloud on the phone They will ask a broad set of questions to explore what areas of technology you’re familiar with 亚马逊的招聘流程是从几轮电话面试开始的。电话面试背后有一个专门的面试团队在策划。面试你们的 工程师,他们会让你们写一些简单的代码,然后读给电话的面试官听。他们还会通过大量的问题来判断 你熟悉哪些领域的技术。 Next, you fly to Seattle for four or five interviews with one or two teams which have selected you based on your resume and phone interviews You will have to code on a whiteboard, and some interviewers will stress other skills Interviewers are each assigned a specific area to probe and may seem very different from each other They can not see other feedback until they have submitted their own and they are discouraged from discussing it until the hiring meeting 接下来,你会要去亚马逊的总部西雅图完成4到5个面试。面试你的面试官是根据你的简历和电话面试结 果来决定的。在亚马逊面试你一样需要在白板上写代码,而且每轮面试都会侧重不同的技能。每场面试 的面试官都是根据需要考察技能特别指派的。在面试过程中,亚马逊要求各个面试官的面试结果都是相 互保密的。直到招聘会议上各个面试官才会讨论面试的结果。 Amazon’s “bar raiser” interviewer is charged with keeping the interview bar high They attend special training and will interview candidates outside their group in order to balance out the group itself If one interview seems significantly harder and different, that’s most likely the bar raiser This person has both significant experience with interviews and veto power in the hiring decision You will meet with your recruiter at the end of the day 亚马逊采用“标准提高”的方法来面试。各个面试官都是经过特别的培训的,而且为消除团队内部影响 ,本组需要招聘的人员有其他组的面试官来面试。当你突然发现一个面试变得特别的不同和困难,那么 很有可能你的“标准提高“了。在亚马逊面碰到的最后一个面试官非常的重要,他在招聘方面有着丰富 的经验而且对录用与否有着一票否决权。 Once your interviewers have entered their feedback, they will meet to discuss it They will be the people making the hiring decision While Amazon’s recruiters are excellent at following up with candidates, occasionally there are delays If you haven’t heard from Amazon within a week, we recommend a friendly email 当面试官们一起讨论面试结果的时候,他们就开始决定录用与否了。亚马逊的招聘团队都很快给出录用 结果,很少有耽搁。如果几个星期仍然没有音讯的话,还是给他们写封信咨询下吧。 so,各位大神,亚马逊是个网络公司,这表明他们很关心问题的“规模”。所以你一定要准备一些”大规模“问题的解答。不过请放心,回答这些问题是不需要分布式系统方面的知识的,不过我建议您看看本书“系统设计和内存限制”这一章节中的例题。此外亚马逊还会问很多“面向对象设计”方面的问题,顶级大咖们,准备好了吗?




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