



今天给大家介绍一所来自加利福尼亚州的走读高中——圣母学院女子高中(Notre Dame Academy)圣母学院女子高中由圣母修女会于1949年创办,是一家获得全面认证的私立天主教女子大学预科高中。我们沿袭“教育年轻女性成就卓越人生”的办学理念,拥有富有特色的教学经验,开设富于挑战性的全面课程。作为一家由圣母修女会创办的学校,我们与全世界圣母修女会学校之间都有着共同的纽带和传统,其中有四个核心的教育理念:强调尊重每一名教师,尊重每一名学生的价值,深度全面的各科教学,以及宗教的中心地位。我们以学生为核心的课程注重学生的个人精神、领导能力、关心集体和服务他人及社区的意识。在精神道德价值的引导下,学生学会以全球化的视野看待充满挑战和机遇的世界。

Notre Dame Academy is a Catholic, private, fully-accredited college preparatory school for young women, founded in 1949 by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Steeped in the tradition of "Educating young women to make a difference," Notre Dame Academy's unique educational experience combines a Catholic value-centered program with a challenging and comprehensive academic curriculum. As an Academy of the Sisters of Notre Dame, students share a common bond and rich history with all students at Notre Dame Schools around the world. At the heart of this international educational heritage are four teaching cornerstones: the dignity of the teacher; the worth of the individual student; the thoroughness of instruction in all subjects; and the centrality of religion. The Academy's student-centered program stresses the importance of personal spirituality, leadership, concern for the common good, service to one another and to the greater community. Within the context of spiritual and moral values, students learn to view the world globally -- with its many opportunities and challenges. 
圣母学院女子高中(Notre Dame Academy)接收9到12年级学生,在校人数为550人(2015年),国际学生比例2.5,班级大小为19人每班,SAT平均分1751,师生比例1:10。教授学历70%在硕士以上,走读学费每年$13,200。奖学金比例29%,AP课程 (20)包括:
Biology 生物学
Calculus AB 微积分AB
Calculus BC 微积分BC
Chemistry 化学
Comparative Government and Politics 比较政府与政治
English Language and Composition 英国语言和作文
English Literature and Composition 英国文学与作文
French Language and Culture 法国语言和文化
Music Theory 乐理
Physics 1: Algebra-Based 物理 1
Spanish Language and Culture 西班牙语言和文化
Studio Art: 2-D Design 艺术工作坊: 二维设计
United States History 美国历史
Art History 艺术史
Environmental Science 环境科学
European History 欧洲历史
Psychology 心理学
Studio Art: Drawing 艺术工作坊: 绘画
United States Government and Politics 美国政府与政治
World History 世界历史
圣母学院女子高中(Notre Dame Academy)
联系电话: (310)839-5289
地址:2851 Overland Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, 90064





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