








其实投资房地产有很多益处。包括折旧 (商业地产中的损耗)、税收减免。最终,你可以通过“1031”条款卖房产,只要你把钱再购买一套差不多价格的房子,就根本不用缴纳资本利得税。

像所有的投资,房地产业也有其弊端。最重要的是,流动资金被有些限制。当你投资一个房产时,通常是你不能马上卖掉。在许多情况下,您可能需要持有该物业几年来实现其真正的利润潜力。此外,房产买卖手续费可能达几千美元,包括税收、 佣金和其他费用。此外,房地产价格有波动的趋势。虽然长期价格普遍上涨,但也有可能价格走跌或持平。如果你有太多的房产作抵押贷款,这时你可能会遇上一些麻烦,这些房产价值可能会比你当初想象的略低。

最后,如果你决定投资于房地产,那么经营它的模式就没有那么多样化。假如,你不是都聚焦在一个社区而是进行多种不同类型的地产投资,那么也是有可能实现投资分散的 。如此说来,还有另一种方法,你可以能够多元化房地产通过房地产投资信托基金 (REITs)、 在这种方式下你可以购买某支投资了一个大规模地产组合项目的信托投资基金,然后以股东的身份获取红利。不过,大体上,股票投资还是提供了更多的分散性,因为你可以持有跨越整个经济领域不同产业不同区域的众多不同种类的股票。


从 1978年-2006 年来看,股票已达到了 13.4%的平均回报率。他们比房地产更不稳定,但从长远来看,他们提供了更高的回报,比房地产业平均高出 8.6个百分点。



随着房地产、 股市融资使你能够使用保证金作为金融杠杆来增加你自己的股份总金额。缺点是,如果股票的点位下降,你就明白保证金作为何用了。这就是股票,当数额已低于某一水平时,起始保证金就必须添加到您的帐户。如果你没有做到这一点,经纪公司可以通过出售股票来收回款项借给你。

股票是更快速、 更容易出售的,也是相当灵活的。甚至重新分配到一个退休金帐户 ,还能免税,直到你开始收回这笔钱。很多股票,可能比投资房地产一年的收益都好。由于一些股票的波动,看到平均 增长20%甚至一年 增长50%的公司其实也都不足为奇。

股票市场的动荡很普遍,尤其是当经济或公司正面临着挑战。而且在此基础上,投资股票往往情感投资,你在市场经济中的想法往往并不合理。最后,破产导致你所有的投资全部破灭将会一直停留在股票投资者的脑海中 。




Over the years, we have heard the comparisons as to which is the better investment: real estate or stocks. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and there are several aspects of each that make them unique investments in their own way. TO MAKE MONEY with either investment requires that you understand the positives and negatives of both.
Real Estate
Real estate is something that you can physically touch and feel – it's a tangible good and, therefore, for many investors, feels more real. Maybe this partially accounts for the high return on the investment, as from 1978-2004, real estate has had an average return of 8.6%. For many decades this investment has generated consistent wealth and long term appreciation for millions of people.
How it Works
Generally, there are two main types of real estate: commercial and residential. While other types exist (mobile home parks, strip malls, apartment buildings, office buildings, store fronts and single family homes), they generally fall into those two categories. MAKING MONEY IN real estate isn't as cut-and-dry. Some people take the "home flipping" route – searching for distressed properties, refurbishing them and selling them for a profit at a higher market value. Others look for properties that can be rented in order to generate a consistent income.
Generally, a down payment of up to 20% of the purchase price can be made, and the rest can be financed. This gives you leverage, meaning that you can invest in different types of properties with less money down, helping to build your net worth or income that you could make off the properties. While this can be a positive, if this leverage is used incorrectly, you may owe more on the properties than they are actually worth.
Like all investments, real estate also has its drawbacks. Most importantly, the investment is illiquid. When you invest in a property, you usually cannot sell it right away. In many cases, you may have to hold the property for several years to realize its true profit potential. Also, the closing cost can add up to thousands of dollars, and include taxes, commissions, and fees. Also, real estate prices have a tendency to fluctuate. While long-term prices generally increase, there are times when prices could go down or stay flat. If you have borrowed too much against the property, you may have trouble making the payment with a property that is worth less money than the amount borrowed on it.
Finally, it's often hard to get diversified if investing in real estate. However, diversification is possible in real estate, provided that you do not concentrate on the same community and have a variety of different types of property. That being said, there is an additional way that you can be able to diversify in real estate through real estate investment trusts (REITs), under which you can purchase a trust that is invested in a large portfolio of real estate, and will offer you a dividend as a shareholder. However, in general, stocks offer more diversification because you can own many different industries and areas across the entire economy. 
From 1978-2006, stocks have delivered an average return of 13.4%. They can be more volatile than real estate but over the long run they have provided a much better return than real estate's 8.6% average.
How They Work
With a stock, you receive ownership in a company. When times are good, you will profit. During times of economic challenges, you may see diminishing funds as the earnings of the company drop. Taking a long-term approach and being balanced in many areas can help build your net worth at a much greater rate, compared with real estate.
As with real estate, financing in stocks allows you to use margin as leverage to increase the overall amount of shares that you own. The downside is that, if the stock position falls, you could have what is known as margin call. This is where the equity, in relation to amount borrowed, has fallen below a certain level and money must be added to your account to bring that amount back up. If you fail to do this, the brokerage firm can sell the stock to recover the amount loaned to you.
Stocks are very liquid, quick and easy to sell. They are also flexible, and can even be reallocated into a retirement account – tax-free - until you start to withdraw the money. As well, many stocks can do considerably better than real estate in one year. Due to the volatility of some stocks, it is not unusual to see companies that are averaging 20% or even 50% growth in one year.
Stocks can be very volatile, especially when the economy or the company is facing challenges. Also, stocks are often emotional investments, and your decisions within the market can often be irrational. Finally, bankruptcy is always in the back of the active stock investor's mind – as it should be, as your investment will be dissolved in this instance.
In general, stocks may have the advantage in more categories than real estate. However, real estate seems to be better when it comes to stability and tax advantages. A good compromise may be to own a REIT, which combines some of the benefits of stocks with some of the benefits of real estate. While each area has its own benefits and drawbacks, to decide which one would work well for you depends on your overall financial situation and level of comfort. 




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